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Acronyms vs. Initialisms

A Navy man stationed in Hawaii phones to settle a dispute over the difference between acronyms and initialisms. Here’s hoping he didn’t go AWOL to make the call. This is part of a complete episode.

sunshine market

sunshine market  n.— «Most property managers will be happy to share this information with you, as well as to give you tips on farmers’ markets (often called “sunshine markets”), island seafood vendors and other affordable...

wedding moon

wedding moon  n.— «The resort offers a deal to those who are about to be married—guests who stay five night or longer are treated to a free wedding. Reynolds has also planned “wedding moons,” as she calls them, in Cozumel, Mexico; Hawaii...


wedcast  n.—Gloss: a wedding broadcast over the Internet. «Weddings held in exotic locales seem ready-made for the small screen, as wedcasts provide a way for couples to tie the knot at a Florida resort or on a mountaintop in Hawaii while...


octosquid  n.— «What appears to be a half-squid, half-octopus specimen found off Keahole Point on the Big Island remains unidentified today and could possibly be a new species, said local biologists. The specimen was found caught in a...


punee  n.— «Small keed time, 60’s in Kailua, and Laie area, had chase mastah, rough take, shaveice, yes, I heard “confonnit!” a lot. (I thought this was my name for a while, my faddah usta say to me alla time; “confonnit...