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reshoot  n.— «In bureaucratese, the new report is called a “reshoot.” It’s a revised estimate of the cost of serving Oregonians in the Oregon Health Plan, food stamps, long-term care for seniors and other social services...


J-cool  n.— «Mitsubishi Motors’ brand image will be distinguished by the contemporary, edgy look put forward in the new campaign, which incorporates subtle elements of Asian influence in U.S. pop culture, often referred to as...

hit the wall

hit the wall  v. phr.— «Hitting the wall means to suffer complete exhaustion.» —“Mids are not crazy, it’s just their lingo” by Earl Kelly in U.S. Naval Academy The Capital (Annapolis, Md.) May 22, 2005...

wear one

wear one  v. phr.— «They expected someone to “wear one”—baseball parlance for getting plunked—after their pitchers hit seven Dodgers batters in their previous series, but took exemption to the 24-year-old’s timing...


Clarky  n.— «Visitors can hit the highlights in a few hours, but hardcore “Clarkies,” as some expedition fans call themselves, can spend days.» —“America’s newest national park honours Lewis and Clark” by James...