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TagHuman behavior

sweater on the rail

sweater on the rail  n.— «Hustling doesn’t merely involve the players at the table. There was a rogue’s gallery of “stakehorses” (financial backers), “sweaters on the rail” (side bettors) and “nits” (kibitzers). As the gambling spigot has...

Shawskank Redemption

Shawskank Redemption  n.— «At the New Alhambra Arena www.newalhambra.com at 9PM is the first of a series of WET WRESTLING events that I am doing. This one is called The Shawskank Redemption” and features 16 hotties in a jail babe theme...

iliac furrow

iliac furrow  n.— «“I am filled with bitter resentment and burning envy at the sight of this young fellow’s pronounced iliac furrow.”…“There is reason to envy someone skinny enough to have such a pronounced apollo’s belt...

cum gutter

cum gutter  n.— «“There is reason to envy someone skinny enough to have such a pronounced apollo’s belt. i often tell people that i have one, but that it’s just covered in a layer of fat.”…“round here we call those cum gutters...


kneelo n. a person who rides a kneeboard. Editorial Note: A kneeboard is a short surfboard on which a rider kneels. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


spang v. to beg for money. Also spange. Hence, spanger, a person who begs for money. Editorial Note: Rhymes with change or range. Etymological Note: Usually said to be a corruption of spare change. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)