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hotbox v. 1. to smoke marijuana in an enclosed space so that it becomes filled with smoke; 2. to take a long drag or a quick series of drags on a joint or cigarette. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


hotbox  v.— «Hotbox—to smoke marijuana in a confined space so that the smoke remains in circulation. “we hotboxed the car.”» —“Word up, it’s a ghetto dictionary” Sheilnak.com Sept. 24, 2004. (source: Double...

bliss ninny

bliss ninny  n.— «Bliss ninny: A Rainbow who spends most of his or her time stoned on marijuana.» —“Slang used by the Rainbow Family” Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Wash.) July 3, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued...


wet n. a recreational drug made of marijuana, PCP, and formaldehyde. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


wet  n.— «Allen was “running with a crowd doing a lot of drugs”: marijuana, crack, PCP and a potent concoction called “Wet,” which is marijuana laced with formaldehyde.» —“The Self-Destruction of David...