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bottle show

bottle show  n.— «The producers decided to fall back on a cost-saving television gimmick—a combined clip and bottle show. “Clip,” because a sizable part of the episode would consist of clips from previous episodes, and...

gore point

gore point  n.— «A while back you stated that it can be legal to cross a solid white line to merge into traffic, provided it’s safe to do so. Is it legal to cross two solid white lines? Making the merge from Mission Boulevard onto south I...

self-licking ice cream cone

self-licking ice cream cone  n.— «For grateful military leaders, there was merit in reinforcement for its own sake. One senior general compared the existing force to a “self-licking ice cream cone”—so small and weak that it...


tracting  n.— «Walking from home to home offering to talk with residents, or as they call it, “tracting,” is just one way the missionaries spread their message. Walking from home to home offering to talk with residents, or as they call it...

suck rubber

suck rubber  v. phr.— «Someone who didn’t have to suit up in Mission Oriented Protective Posture gear and “suck rubber” thought up that requirement.» —“Letters: Cracks in awards system” by James J. Weller in...


manpad  n.— «The Nicaraguan army sold nearly 400 shoulder-fired missiles—known in military parlance as manpads, or man-portable air defense systems—to the warring countries.» —“Rumsfeld on Mission for Haiti Aid” by John...