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Savannah  n.— «They are outlawed in New York City, members of a new designer breed growing in popularity called the Savannah, an offspring of a wildcat—the African serval—and the domestic house cat.» —“What’s Up, Pussycat? Whoa...

pop a splint

pop a splint  v. phr.— «The injury is in the area behind the knee, and is caused by too much stress on a bone that results in its outer covering becoming inflamed. In racing parlance, it’s called “popping a splint...


refu-jew  n.— «We are Soviet Jewish refugees in America (“refu-Jews,” the joke would go).» —“The Mother Tongue Between Two Slices of Rye” by Gary Shteyngart Threepenny Review (New York...


schmoopiness n. behavior that is excessively cutesy, precious, or adoring. Editorial Note: This word—and the noun schmoopy ‘a term of affection for one who is adored; a person who exhibits schmoopiness’ and the adjective schmoopy ‘(excessively)...


 n.— «CILF. That would be: “client I’d like to fuck.”» —“CILF” by Audacia Ray Waking Vixen (New York City) Apr. 3, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

dead wagon

dead wagon  n.— «The “dead wagon” was put on the Harlem company’s trade. This wagon is run by the protective association nominally to collect milk cans, witnesses testified, but its real value lies in the canvassing of every...