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tweener  n.— «The NFL seemingly invented the word “tweener,” describing a player whose height and weight makes him uncertain for a specific position. He could be a defensive end or a linebacker, a DE or defensive tackle, a...


naco  adj.— «In Mexico City, where I grew up, “naco” is not just racist, it’s classist and a pretty offensive term. Basically, anybody who is dark-skinned and/or poor may be termed a “naco.” I’ve even heard people...

big dance

big dance  n.— «In his opinion what may be termed the great allied offensive, or, as he put it, “the big dance,” will begin next Spring.» —“Big Offensive Next Spring” New York Times May 12, 1917. (source:...


microaggression  n.— «Chester M. Pierce says that the society is unrelenting in teaching its white youth how to maximize the advantages of being on the offense toward Blacks. He further advances the notion that offensive mechanisms...