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jupinalle  n.— «In most languages the terms used for mobile phones reflect their two salient features: mobility and intimacy. Finnish teenagers called mobile phones “jupinalle” (meaning yuppie teddy bears); now they call them...

set it down

set it down  v. phr.— «While he was out riding said $6K bike over the weekend, he, in motorcycle parlance, set it down. Which is to say, he crashed it.» —“Kerry Redux” by Greg Lewis OpinionEditorials.com May 12...


jump  n.— «It’s called jump, and in hockey parlance it means intensity born of desperation. It’s a survival instinct, a reflex, a spirited display of pure and utter want-to.» —“Sharks float when they should jump” by Gary...


rat  n.— «The Senate passed it only after Democratic leaders agreed to repeal the special favor for Pawelkiewicz—known in legislative parlance as a “rat”—in a separate bill at a future date.» —“Lawmakers OK Borrowing...


pipe  v.— «It anticipated the whole Jayson Blair imbroglio by a good 15 years with a thriller about a reporter who gets burned making up—or “piping,” in David Freeman’s parlance—a New York magazine article about a pimp...

sliced and diced

sliced and diced  adj.— «It is customised (“sliced-and-diced” in industry parlance) for the job function, so a human resources manager will see a different set of information to a sales manager or call centre operator, even...