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Do Me a Solid

What’s in YOUR spice rack? Say you’re cooking up a pot of chili, and you need to add more of that warm, earthy, powdered spice. Do you reach for a bottle of KOO-min? KYOO-min? Or are you going to add KUMM-in? The pronunciation given in...

bodybag game

bodybag game  n.— Note: Same as a paycheck game. «South Florida, a school of over 34,000 undergrads, many of whom commute, took home a $650 K check for their trip to Auburn. That total is a quarter million more than what App State got in...

paycheck game

paycheck game  n.—Gloss: in American college football, a sporting competition between a strong, favored team and a lower-caliber team (usually from another conference), for which the favored team pays the underdog a substantial fee. Note: Also...

bar banking

bar banking  n.— «Bar banking, as it is sometimes called, has provided a financial lifeline for huge numbers of undocumented Irish over the years.…The paycheck is counter signed and handed over the bar by the individual who then...


bobtail  n.— «An American would be riding in the lead vehicle as commander and driving the last one as “bobtail”—a truck without a load that acts as a sort of sheepdog, rushing to help with any problems and making sure no one...


cadillacking  n.— «When a snaking convoy of 18-wheelers is moving smoothly, they are cadillackin’.» —“Truckers of Iraq’s Pony Express Are Risking It All for a Paycheck” by James Glanz in Safwan, Iraq New York...