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jackup  n.— «The company operates primarily in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Gue points out that in the shallow Gulf waters, the most common type of drilling rig is what’s known as a jackup. These, he notes, consist of a...

firehouse primary

firehouse primary  n.— «In most caucuses, voters debate party platform resolutions, elect local party committee members and then divide into groups according to their Presidential preference. The only item on the Michigan caucus agenda...


pickle-stabber  n.— «Pickle-stabber An extremely pointy high heel that is, in fact, so pointy you could stab a pickle with it, if you so desired. Despite the awesome name, these have been replaced by wedges and platform soles as the shoe...

bottom bitch

bottom bitch  n.— «That winter, Romeo took Lucilia to the track, to bachelor parties, and to clubs—including Club Kalua, which would be the scene of the Sean Bell shooting almost three years later—where she drank to get up her nerve to...


swath  n.— «It’s a really strange ship, it’s what’s called a swath. It’s a giant catamaran.…It’s only 60 metres long. It’s meant to be very stable. It typically works out of Hawaii and works out in the deep Pacific Ocean, but because...


sermo-mercial  n.— «Church pastors have won trips to London and $1000 by mentioning Disney’s film The Chronicles of Narnia in their sermons. That contest staged by a Christian marketing firm has coined the term “sermo-mercial”...