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protest room

protest room  n.— «Unfortunately, protests are an integral part of racing, and this scene is all too common, especially at Key West Race Week where 260 highly competitive boats push hard to win races. The sailing is usually aggressive;...


fauxtesting  n.— «“Fauxtesting” as it’s called is when someone shows up to a protest, usually one that is probably harsh or vulgar or takes on some serious issue (abortion, hatespeech, gender equality, etc), and attempts to make a...

gas out

gas out  n.— «A planned national “gas out” protest for Tuesday, May 15, has crawled across the Internet. The prices at the pump tend to rise every year as summer approaches, which is why, just about every year, someone decides...


kettle  n.— «It was obvious by now that people were not going anywhere until the two men were freed. So more reinforcements were brought in and surrounded the protest in what is known as a “kettle.” They soon managed to push...

200-mile-an-hour tape

200-mile-an-hour tape  n.— «However, there’s even a better than best (though some might protest that characterization) known as the “nuclear grade,” which is used at reactors and a “200 mile an hour” tape made by...


shit-up  n.— «Then again, officers working with prisoners who are carrying out a dirty protest (it’s known as a “s***-up” in prison parlance) do get an extra tenner a day for putting up with it.» —“Porridge leaves a bad...