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bicho  n.— «Papaya, tortilla and bicho, farewell.…In some Spanish-speaking countries, the words above are slang for the female sex organ, lesbian sex and the male sex organ, respectively.» —“Spanish-language broadcasters watch...


tortilla  n.— «Papaya, tortilla and bicho, farewell.…In some Spanish-speaking countries, the words above are slang for the female sex organ, lesbian sex and the male sex organ, respectively.» —“Spanish-language broadcasters...


papaya  n.— «Papaya, tortilla and bicho, farewell.…In some Spanish-speaking countries, the words above are slang for the female sex organ, lesbian sex and the male sex organ, respectively.» —“Spanish-language broadcasters watch...


totopo  n.— «El totopo es una especie de tortilla tostada de maíz de diversos tamaños, elaborado con masa de maíz preferentemente de la variedad zapalote, maíz criollo de la región.» —“La Guerra del...


totopo  n.— «A totopo is a tortilla that is made with salt in the dough and is then baked dry, rather than pliable. This toasted tortilla was made specifically for travellers, as it keeps without spoiling.» —“What is the recipe for...