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chocolate foot

chocolate foot  n.— «Chicken Point has a sreaming single track descent off it that has a nasty habit of turning your chocolate foot into good because you are hardly pedaling, jsut keeping the pedals level and coasting at 30mph.» —“Re:...


track  n.— «The Marines had no problem taking the enemy head on, but the much-talked about intelligence regarding booby-trapped buildings kept the conversation going inside the “tracks,” or amphibious assault vehicles...


longhorn  n.— «The train was going 45 mph on a railroad track that has a 49-mph speed limit, McClary said. That’s too fast, said Susan Fernandez, who lives across the street from the tracks where the “longhorns”—as she calls...


dog  n.— «Race track “dogs” (or the equivalent thereof) could have been a factor in the International victory of France’s Match II.…They’re in the category of the carpenter’s “Horse”…A few feet of two...


spin  v.— «Agents often make early commitments to more than one horse in a race, figuring that the field will thin out by the time post positions are drawn. But if both horses enter, one of the trainers will be jilted. Jockeys also can...


spin  v.— «To keep the fewest people irate at any one time, Barsotti, who has been an agent for seven years, has rules: “Don’t make commitments early, don’t spin late.” Spin, at the track, means renege on a deal.» —“The...