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surf-pod  n.— «Chintzy hotels are being turned into trendy apart-hotels—flats with hotel services—while tired guest houses are being converted into studio flats, or surf-pods, as the developers call them.» —“Building bonanza for...

spare voter

spare voter  n.— «Then there’s the fact that a candidate needs to have the support of at least 15% of the voters in a precinct before qualifying for any of its delegates. Backers of a candidate who doesn’t receive the requisite support...

Black Wednesday

Black Wednesday  n.— «Around five million workers—about one in six of the UK’s workforce—will pull a post New Year’s Eve sickie today. Black Wednesday, as it has been dubbed by employers, will also see one in 1,000 people quit their jobs...


gigaliner  n.— «A “gigaliner,” as they call it, on trial in Germany.…The general public has a right to know that the UK government and the European Commission are considering whether to allow mega-trucks, on our roads...

banana skin

banana skin  n.— «Italy are a good side—they won two games in the Six Nations and pushed Ireland in the warm-ups and most of them have beaten Scotland before. This, therefore, is not a “banana skin”; it’s what the French call a...


authenticitude  n.— «Nonchalance about fake goods is so prevalent among teenagers that marketers even have a word for it, said Michael Wood, president of Teen Research Unlimited. “Authenticitude” refers to the teen belief that...