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TagVertebrate anatomy

Pope’s Nose

Ever sat down to a turkey dinner where someone offered you a bite of the Pope’s nose? That’s a name sometimes applied to the bird’s fatty rump, which many consider a delicacy. Martha and Grant discuss this and other terms for the...

Philtrum, the Love Dimple

Greetings earthlings! In our latest podcast, Martha muses about the "love dimple." You know, that little dent in your upper lip? It's called a "philtrum." The erotic origins of this word prove once again that etymology is...

fourth point of contact

fourth point of contact n. especially among Airborne personnel, a euphemistic term for the rump, buttocks, or anus; by extension, one’s body, person or self. Etymological Note: The information in the 2002 citation probably refers to the correct...

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