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bootleg  adj.— «I just checked out that Friendster website that Oz makes reference to, and I thoroughly don’t understand it. To be able to actually see other’s profiles, you have to invite people who in turn invite other people. Then to...


noofter  n.— «There was also a section on the website called Noofters, which was said to stand for “Nasty Odur (sic) Obese Fenian Timmy Eejit Rubbish Scum.”» —“Hearts Acts To Have Bigoted Website Shut” by Frank...


Bangalored  adj.— «An online anti-outsourcing website is marketing a T-shirt with the legend “Don’t Get Bangalored,” a term suggesting losing one’s job to outsourcing.» —“Bangalored! BPO bashers’ war cry” by...