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A California man remembers going to the neighborhood bakery back home in Illinois and ordering bismarks. But these days he rarely hears this term for jelly doughnut, and wonders about its origin. This is part of a complete episode.

crotch dumpling

crotch dumpling  n.— «I probably shouldn’t be a mother. At least I didn’t refer to it as a crotch dumpling or placenta mooch like I call other people’s kids.» —“I hope we don’t get the six pack…“ by Chrissy...

chicken cutlet

chicken cutlet n. a silicone breast enhancer for insertion under clothing. Editorial Note: Occasionally just “cutlet.” Etymological Note: So called because its size, shape, weight, and color are similar to an uncooked chicken cutlet...

chicken cutlet

chicken cutlet  n.— «That seemed to hold true for her cleavage as well. Chris Rock said, “I want her to be curvaceous!” So I was stuffing my bra with three layers of those chicken cutlet things you buy at Victoria’s Secret...

chicken cutlet

chicken cutlet  n.— «Instead of surgery, she wears a prosthesis that fits into her bra. “We call it the chicken cutlet.”» —“Survivor. A Portrait Of Strength” by Cindy F. Crawford Daytona Beach News...