Home » Language in Uniform » Georgia Baths and Marine Showers

Georgia Baths and Marine Showers

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A Florida Gators football fan grew up travelling to road games in an RV. When it came time to wash up, her family members would take “Georgia baths,” meaning they’d wash their important parts in the RV sink. Beats the alternative Marine shower, where no water is necessary—just a ton of perfume or cologne to douse yourself with. This is part of a complete episode.

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  • My Grandmother and her friends at our summer cabin gave themselves a PTA before parties. As a little boy, I was laughed at when I wanted to take a PTA. All I knew for years was that the phrase did not apply to boys and that it made little old ladies giggle to say it.

  • I had always called this one the “Bus-Stop Bath”, but not too many folks understood what I was talking about. In attempting to explain, I stumbled on its new name “Pits and Bits”, which my immediate family now uses.

  • I call it a ‘splash and dash’, but rarely use it spoken. I mostly just use it in my head, as in think I need to take a ‘splash and dash’ because I don’t have time to take a luxurious shower and need to hit the important bits.

  • Not sure if anyone mentioned “whore’s bath.” Kind of like the aforementioned “PTA” bath.

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Language in Uniform