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perp  n.— «I…drew up near a large man in a red shirt, who was holding an ugly looking, short ear bull pup by the collar.…Blood was on the ground, and both dogs were bleeding when I came up. “I’ll bet yer ten ounces ter...

chute dogger

chute dogger  n.— «He’s a chute dogger—a term for steer wrestlers. When the gates open, he’ll try to drag the steer into the arena, then pile-drive it to the ground.» —“So You Wanna Be a Cowboy?” by Ben Paynter The...


spalting  n.— «Wood left on the ground for several months, he said, will undergo “a startling transformation and develop a spidery network of black lines.” This process, called spalting, “is due to special fungi that live...


alibaba  n.— «Others who interrogate a suspect are sometimes at a loss for questions, asking simply, “Are you alibaba?” the commonly used term for the enemy.» —“War from the ground up: A day with the...

boot party

boot party  n.— «“He hit the ground immediately. After that, we had a little boot party.” A boot party is the term Skinheads use to describe an attack in which a victim is encircled and kicked repeatedly.» —“Year later, Skinhead...


burnout  n.— «Fortunately it didn’t quite come to that, thanks to quick thinking from fire crews, who initiated burnouts. It may look out of hand, but these fires were set by firefighters intentionally. The idea…if you set a fire...