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pramface  n.— «Bristol has what is known in Britain as the look of the teen mum, the “pramface.”» —“A Mighty Wind blows through Republican convention” by Heather Mallick Rabble.ca (Canada) Sept...


Tomnibus  n.— «A product of Democratic frustration with the tactics of Senator Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican and physician who has become the Dr. No of the Senate, the Tomnibus is a $10 billion collection of Coburn-blocked measures...

chicken coop

chicken coop  n.— «Interestingly, the two Republican senators who voted to override Mr. Pawlenty’s veto not only were not punished, the GOP Senate leadership didn’t even criticize them. I wonder if that’s why some senators sometimes...

horizontal politics

horizontal politics  n.— «“I have a great respect for Barack Obama,” Huckabee said. “I think he’s a person who is trying to do in many ways what I hope I’m trying to do, and that is to say, let’s quit what I call ‘horizontal...


mini-bus  n.— «Their strategy is to ram through what Republican aides are calling a “mini-bus”—a precursor to a much larger omnibus spending bill that could come down the pike later this year encompassing the remaining appropriations bills...

wide stance

wide stance  n.— Note: This term is too new to have a fixed meaning, but in general “wide stance” is being used to mean “hypocrisy.” «You can easily win any argument with a rightwinger now simply by accusing them of...