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MP3Jing  n.— «I need to look into repairing the headphone jack on my laptop. Without it, I can’t run monitors out from my MP3Jing software. That means no beatmixing.» —“Enjoying the silence” by The Angelus Aggregate of...


textonym  n.— «Meg Kingston introduces us to the textonym. That’ll be the set of words generated by a particular sequence of key presses on a mobile phone, when the phone’s software is predicting what word you want. For example, keys 2-2-4...


nanocorporation  n.— «Nanocorporations are formed by one or two individuals around a core competence. They are able to manage growth and larger projects by networking with other similar units, which again can network with other units. This...

circuit bending

circuit bending  n.— «Circuit-bending reinforces the unique characteristics of physical instrumentation, without which discourse among electronic musicians might end up becoming little more than the sharing of home-coded subroutines (or...

en chinga

en chinga  adv.— «‘Stoy aqui pero ando en chinga. Right now I’m cranking out the implementation of a Framework Based Software Synthesis system based on the Uniform Modeling Language.» —“Re: David Gleaser Donde Esta” by...


skidiot n. an unsophisticated or unskilled self-styled black-hat hacker or cracker who uses computer- and network-intrusion software made by others; a script kiddie. Also skiddiot. Etymological Note: script kiddie + idiot (source: Double-Tongued...