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Turkey Trot Blues

An Indianapolis, Indiana, listener says that his mother-in-law was asked by a child where she was going, would jokingly sing that she was “going to the Turkey trot trot trot, across the lot, lot, lot, feeling fine, fine, fine until...

“App” is Apt

Great Googly-Moogly, it's another newsletter from "A Way with Words"! In our latest archive episode: If a woman keeps her own name after marriage, is she "Ms." or "Mrs."? Also,"redd up," "out like...

Jive Turkey

A La Mesa, California, woman thinks the term from 1970s films, jive turkey, deserves reviving. This is part of a complete episode.

bourbon belt

bourbon belt  n.— «In the United States, Campari will put more emphasis on expanding the brand outside of the “bourbon belt,” the area of the South and Midwest where most bourbon is sold.» —“Pernod Sells Wild Turkey Brand to Gruppo...

Celebrate National Grammar Day

Do you know where your participle is dangling? Martha and Grant salute National Grammar Day. Also, when you’re scribbling on a piece of paper, do you find yourself expecting spellcheck to kick in and underline your misspellings with squiggly...

Turkey Manhattans

A Wisconsin resident gets misty-eyed remembering the steaming plates of Beef Manhattan and Turkey Manhattan from his elementary-school days in central Indiana. But why the “Manhattan” in their names? How far back to do you remember...